Scholarships Provided by Arts for All Studio

Arts for All Studio seeks to help and support young and older visual & performing students and artists who may need financial assistance to participate in our programs.

  • Scholarships and Fee Reductions that are percent based may be available for your child, your family or yourself. A minimum of a $25.00 registration fee is required for every class regardless of scholarship status.
  • Scholarships and Fee Waivers are granted on a first come, first served basis, with priority given to those with greater financial need.
  • Scholarships and Fee Reductions must be arranged prior to beginning of a class, workshop, or camp. It will be asked that you submit the “application” at least one week prior to the beginning of the activity whenever possible. Applications are available by request or in files on our Facebook page or on our website.
  • A Scholarship or Fee Reduction must be requested for each new class or program; it is not to be assumed that the assistance is ongoing.
  • Students/Performers may request scholarship monies or fee waivers during a class if experiencing a hardship.
  • Families may apply for scholarships for each child in the family.
  • Some scholarships will cover the cost of all materials; others may require some payment and/or fees.
  • Scholarships and Fee Reductions recipients (or their families) will be expected to serve volunteer hours at the studio.
  • Volunteer hours will be decided and agreed upon on a case-by-case basis and the agreements are to be kept confidential. Average volunteer expectation is 2 hours per week while attending programs on scholarship.
  • Volunteers will be expected to serve the agreement hours and to follow our code of conduct and confidentiality. Failure to do so may revoke your status in our financial assistance program.
Scholarships provided by Arts for All Studio

Payment plans are available by request.

Once approved, payments and dates will be agreed to prior to the beginning of class. Classes must be paid in full according to agreements prior to the last class or performance. We will ask to keep a debit or credit card on file if payments are not made on time. If adjustments are needed, kindly speak with us as we are very willing to be flexible.

Contact us for more information.

Contact us for more information about any of our programs!

Sarah Karp, 321-427-2606

Barbara Ward-Finneran, 321-749-9808